Marquis Entertainment Offers Unique Services for Weddings and Events

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   Company Name: Marquis Entertainment Email: (none listed) Website:   Dated 08.12.2011   Marquis Entertainment Offers Unique Services for Weddings and Events   There are many occasions when people in California find themselves looking for entertainment services. Many dj companies only provide limited services for weddings and events. However, Marquis Entertainment has taken their services to a new level.   In addition to providing a dj for your wedding, Marquis Entertainment will actually help you coordinate your entire wedding ceremony and reception. The coordination includes designing an itinerary, facilitating and coordinating rehearsals, and providing unique entertainment for the reception. … [Read more...]

Marquis Entertainment – Master of Ceremony

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Evaluating Ourselves

Many of us have mastered the art of critiquing and evaluating others. Yet true personal growth comes when we're able to critique and evaluate ourselves. When people say things about us which we don't agree with do we automatically go on the defensive, attempt to change their opinion or think about what was said? When we reach the point that we can look in the mirror and honestly recognize our faults and weaknesses we're on the road to Ultimate Personal Growth.  … [Read more...]

BRIDES – “I’m too busy to meet”

As a policy we don't quote prices over the phone for the following reasons: We haven't had the opportunity to meet the couple in order to get a feel for their individual personalities, determine what exactly is needed and what they envision their wedding day to be. When quotes for entertainment are given over the phone does the couple truly know what they're receiving for that quote ,or even know exactly what they need. I've experienced on many occasions when meeting with couples there were necessities they hadn't even thought or knew about. For the couples who are too busy to meet hire a Wedding coordinator.. … [Read more...]

Wedding stresses

If you're planning a wedding or have a wedding upcoming you're probably feeling a bit stressed. Stress is normal when you become involved in an endeavor with so much involved . Decisions ,decisions,decisions !  I enjoy meeting with couples in the early stages of their wedding planning to help them to alleviate a great deal of the stress and help them with ideas and suggestions. We also have on staff a Wedding Planner/Coordinator with over 30 years of experience. The next time you feel a bit stressed call 209-951-1982. If you haven't had the opportunity please visit our website at  and view our testimonials. Marquis            (photo was taken after our first meeting) … [Read more...]


Referrals are powerful when used correctly. When we refer a person providing a product or service it becomes a direct reflection on us. I almost equate it to co-signing for a car loan. Referrals should be based more on professionalism and service excellence that friendship or commissions, because remember when it's all said and done we as the person referring either look great or not so great. Click on above link for additional blogs to either view or respond to. … [Read more...]

Karaoke is the fountain of youth

We've been involved in karaoke shows since 1989 and there have been a few things that have changed over the years. When we first started, the karaoke singers would nurse a glass of water all evening and the show would consist of one singer after another singing mostly slow songs.ALAS things have changed karaoke singers indulge in a variety of spirits before and after their performances, dance music is played between karaoke sets and the singers sing a variety of songs both fast and slow. People who sing karaoke at least once a week have been found to mature at a slower than normal pace. KARAOKE IS A FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH.! … [Read more...]

Wedding ceremonies and receptions using residences

There definitely is an art to looking at an area at a residence and visualizing distances and flow. Today we had the pleasure of visiting a palacious residence for an initial walk-through. The ceremony area was under construction,however we were able to figure out entry and exit points. We discussed seating and Allison and Jamie were in favor of curved seating with intimate distancing from the gazebo, where the wedding party would be situated. The backyard which will accomodate the cocktail hour and reception allowed many options. All residential locations will differ,however with the right professionals you can make the most of any location.  … [Read more...]

Passions for weddings

I love weddings and the couples we have the pleasure working with. From the initial meeting when we discover how well we'll get along and the trust they have in us to direct a movie-like and memorable wedding. From my experiences as a Master of Ceremonies for Hawaiian Tropics Beauty Pageants and training and producing fashion shows for 15 years, details and organization is second nature. I enjoy developing relationships that can last a lifetime.  … [Read more...]


A memorable wedding is a wedding that guests 10 years later still remember. Memorable weddings are a combination of effective planning,organization ,all-star wedding parties and the assembling of a platinum team of vendors (proven professionals). The elimination of any of the above elements will decrease the chance of your having a memorable wedding. … [Read more...]